नेपाल का अग्ला राजन् अब बिश्व भ्रमण मा Photo:Naresh Shrestha
खाली बिदेशी लाई मात्र रेकोर्ड कति राख्न दिने भनेर अब भने नेपाली पनि सुरिएका छन । तर दुख को कुरा रेकोर्ड राख्ने कुरा भने सायद् बाकि नै भेट्न मुस्किल् छ् सबैलाइ।त्य्सैले होला अलिक् फरक् शारिरिक् बनोट् भएका अर्थात् अग्ला हाम्रा राजन् पोडेल् यस्तै रेकोर्ड् राख्न भनेर प्रयास् गर्दैछन्।७ फीट् भन्दा अग्ला २७ बर्सिय राजन् अब् देश् मा शन्ति भए पछि सँसार् भ्रमण् गरि संसार भर शान्ति र भाई चारा फैलाउने क्रम्मा छन ।
संसार भ्रमण त्यस्मा पनि उचाइ अग्लो?कस्तो हुने होला उन्को भ्रमण??? शायद संसार ले देख ने छ नेपालमा अग्लो हिमाल मात्र होइन अग्ला मान्छे पनि हुन्छन्
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Posted by
Raj Shrestha
10:49 PM
This Heart Remembers foto:fursad and murchunga.com
Narayan Gopal Gurubacharya is by far the most prominent and popular singer in Nepali music. He was also an accomplished music composer in his own right. Not only was he gifted with a great voice, he was very versatile. His voice range allowed him to sing songs of every genre. His songs are often richly orchestrated with the sitar, harmonium and the flute. Some of his most popular songs include "Euta Manche Ko (Maya le garda)"(trans. For the Love of One Person), "Jhareko Paat Jhai"(Like a Fallen Leaf), "Yo Samjhine Man Cha"(This Heart remembers) and "Saawan ko jhari bani"(Like the Autumn Rain). Gopal has been accorded with title "Swor Samrat" (literally, King of Voice) which affirms his position as the supreme virtuoso of Nepali music. His death was due to a organ failures, said to have been caused by his notorious drinking. The cassettes and CDs of his music still make significant sales in Nepal.
He has sung over 500 songs, including in films, ballets and drama. Most of his songs are melodies. It is said that he was very selective about which songs he sang. Although 500 songs is not alot for some of his caliber, they are outstanding in some ways--be it the lyrical depth or superb rendition. In recognition of contribution in the field of Nepali music, he has received several national honors and awards, Trishakti Patta, Chinnalata Puraskar to name a few.
Continued sales of his albums attest to his immense popularity. Even more than a decade after his death, his songs are equally liked, loved and sung.His legacy lives on. Current sensation, Ram Krishna Dhakal, a very established and popular singer-- sang Narayan Gopal's songs and tried to copy Narayan Gopal's style when starting his own remarkable career.
Below is a translation (in part) of one of his most famous songs, "Kehi mitho baata gara" (Say a few sweet words), used with permission of Suckypoetssociety:
"come, let us dance in this dark- like fireflies float with the wind- like fibres of simal leave your sorrows for tomorrow for, "tomorrow" is to be suffered anyhowwhisper sweet words to me— dusk fades away in vain later tonight, to solitude— we return, to weep again"
Posted by
Raj Shrestha
1:53 AM
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
अनिकाल मा बिउ जोगाउनु हुल्मुल मा टाउको जोगाउनु foto:nepalnews.com
सरकार ले शिक्षा बिधेयक पारीत गरे पछि मास्टरशाप् हरु खुसि ले दङ् परे होलान् तर गुरु का चेला हरु लाइ कुरो मन् परेन।त्यसै को निहुमा सडक् मा ढुङा हानाहान् भयो लाठि बर्सियो त्यसैको बद्ला मा यी हाम्रा चेला हरु को टाउको फुट्यो।खै के हेरेर बन्छ् यस्तो शिक्षा बिधेयक के नभएर मन् पर्दैन् कसैलाइ अनि किन फुट्छन् टाउका। प्रस्न मथि प्रस्न?जवाफ् दिने कस्ले????
Posted by
Raj Shrestha
2:38 AM
Monday, December 04, 2006
मौका यही हो "लोकतन्त्रको" ? foto:ekantipur.com
"मौका पाए पछि चौका हान्ने नि!!" भने झै लोकतन्त्र को आड पाएर हो कि के हो हिजो आज सडक मा हरेक पक्ष आफ्नो आवाज लिएर उत्रीन थालेका छन । कोहि पद् उन्नति ,कोहि गुणस्तरिय पढाइ भएन्,कोहि उचित् अवसर् पाइएन् आदि जस्ता अनेक् कुरा हिजो आज सडक् मा सुन्न पाइन्छ्।लोकतन्त्र आएको भएर हो कि हो सबैले बल् देखौने बेला एहि भएको छ्। शान्ति को लामो सुस्केरा हाल्न नपाउदै हिजो आज फेरि सडक् मा टायर् को कालो मुस्लो र नारा भने फेरि सुरु भएको छ।असति मात्र त्यत्रो नारा लाएर हाम्रा अस्थाइ गुरु हरु बल्ल् बल्ल स्थाइ हुने हुनु भयो।तर एक् साता बित्न नपाउदै अर्को बिध्यार्थि जमात् यो भएन भनेर निस्के का छन्।तेसैको बिरोध् मा राज्-धानि लगाएत् बिभिन्न् ठाउ मा बिरोध् भएका छन्। फेरि सडक् मा टाएर् ढुङ्गा मुडा देखिएका छन । यस्तै हो भने त त्यो साच्चै को शान्ति चै कहिले आउछ त फेरी यसो अरु को नजर मा त कम्सेकम अब चै ठीक भए छ है नेपाल भनेर कुरा गरुन । तर खोइ एउटा सिद्धिन नपाउदै आर्को सुरु हुन्छ यहाँ के हो के हो???
Posted by
Raj Shrestha
3:30 AM