Wednesday, May 09, 2007

ERROR in blogspot

Its my 7 th time that I succced to post my entry.I dont know what had happend to the that from around 2 days there is some problem with it.Anyway i am happy that it is back and i am able to post.Hope the problem will not repeat for the next time.All the best to and welcome back again to all the blogspot bloggers.


Anonymous said...

telling you to move to thinks :)

Anonymous said...

see more of this here

to see images clearly save image in ur computer and open it... i have shrinked the size to fit in my blog area...

Ajaya said...

Raj Ji, should work better

D-Express said...

I also have such terrible problem yar very often. Its really irritating, even after blogger is assisted with Google! Google system often has problem either is it with Gmail or with blogger. I was trying to use flickr to upload pictures but that has asked me to upgrade account, it means I should pay!!! Blogger does not work all the time but other site also cheat you after a while. Anyway, lets hope blogger will improve this soon!! nice to see your blog.

Anonymous said...

म एडम्स KEVIN, Aiico बीमा plc को एक प्रतिनिधि, हामी भरोसा र एक ऋण बाहिर दिन मा व्यक्तिगत मतभेद आदर। हामी ऋण चासो दर को 2% प्रदान गर्नेछ। तपाईं यस व्यवसाय मा चासो हो भने अब आफ्नो ऋण कागजातहरू ठीक जारी हस्तांतरण ई-मेल ( गरेर हामीलाई सम्पर्क। पनि इमेल गरेर हामीलाई सम्पर्क गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ तपाईं aiico बीमा गर्न धेरै स्वागत छ भने व्यापार वा स्कूल स्थापित गर्न एक ऋण आवश्यकता हो ( हामी सन्तुलन स्थानान्तरण अनुरोध गर्न सक्छौं पहिलो हप्ता।

व्यक्तिगत व्यवसायका लागि ऋण चाहिन्छ? तपाईं आफ्नो इमेल संपर्क भने उपरोक्त तुरुन्तै आफ्नो ऋण स्थानान्तरण प्रक्रिया गर्न